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Check out Art Gallery's curated bundles featuring an assortment of Elements grouped into seasonal colors to inspire your next project.
WINTER ELEMENTS include: PRE801. OE927, NE108, SE606, PRE816, SE624, OE933, OE932, PRE810, OE916.
FALL ELEMENTS include: NE121, OE917, NE125, OE921, NE106, PRE815, OE939, PRE802, OE936, OE943.
SPRING ELEMENTS include: SE625, OE904, SE601, PRE803, OE924, SE603, OE934, PRE813, NE101, OE925.
SUMMER ELEMENTS include: NE123, PRE808, NE118, SE623, OE902, SE609, PRE806, SE615, OE928, NE117.